The PLL is an official Little League Community affiliated with Little League International. We offer baseball, softball, and Challenger baseball programs. Challenger baseball is an adaptive program for children and young adults with mental and physical disabilities.
- Baseball: The PLL's baseball programs include divisions for all children ages 4-16, regardless of experience, skill, or ability. We offer instructional programs for players ages 4-7 and player-pitch, umpired levels of play for ages 8-16. Baseball is coed, open to boys or girls. Baseball programs are offered in the spring, summer, and fall.
- Softball: The PLL's softball programs are open to girls ages 7-12, regardless of experience, skill, or ability. We offer instructional programs for players ages 7-8 and player-pitch, umpired levels of play for ages 9-12. Softball is for girls only. Softball programs are offered in the spring, summer, and fall.
- Challenger: Any individual ages 4-22 with a physical or intellectual challenge may participate. Challenger players play the game with the help of on-field buddies. Buddies are children (ages 12 and up) and adults who guide Challenger players at bat, on the bases, and in the field. Challenger is offered in the spring.
Detailed program information for each age group is found on each program page (Baseball, Softball, or Challenger) under “Sub Program.” Details include a program description, the expected practice and game schedule, and information on equipment.
Tee Ball, Coach Pitch baseball, Machine Pitch baseball, and Rookies softball are considered “instructional level” programs – there are no umpires, and a game score is not kept. For these programs, we make every effort to form teams based on the school a player attends; we also make every effort to accommodate requests for players to be paired with specific friends.
For all other programs – Rookies, Minors, and Majors baseball, as well as Minors and Majors softball – teams are formed by team managers/the League using a draft format. In the interest of creating competitively balanced teams, requests for players to be placed on a specific team are not honored.
The PLL evaluates players’ skills/abilities for our spring Rookies, Minors, and Majors baseball program before placement and creating teams as we aim to create balanced teams in each division. The evaluation is conducted in a low-key, no-pressure environment. This is not a tryout - no player gets cut, and the PLL will provide all registered players with a place to participate.
We welcome players of all skill levels and abilities. The PLL is not a win-at-all-costs organization. “Mandatory Play” regulations are in effect to encourage participation, ensuring all players get their time on the field and at bat.
When known, schedule information practices and games are provided for each program within the “Sub Program” details (Baseball, Softball, or Challenger).
PLL games and practices are held at PLL, Town of Pittsford, and Pittsford Central School District fields, including:
- PLL Ford Field Complex
- PLL Habecker Field Complex
- Farm View Park (FVP)
- Thornell Farm Park (TFP)
Directions and a summary of the amenities available at each facility can be found by visiting Fields on the PLL website.
Note that PLL softball teams play in leagues with other local Little League organizations within the Rochester community (Fairport, Penfield, etc.), so some travel outside Pittsford for games is expected.
Regarding player equipment, please note the following:
- Each PLL player receives a team shirt and hat; players provide their own baseball or softball pants, belt, and socks.
- Each player should have their own glove.
- All players are required to wear a helmet when at bat or on the bases.
- The league provides batting helmets and bats that are shared by team members; however, players often opt to purchase their own.
- Bats must have the "USA Baseball" stamp (not "USSSA").
- Baseball gloves and bats are designed to different specifications than softball gloves and bats; baseball and softball equipment are not interchangeable.
- Cleats are recommended for practices and games.
- Batting gloves are optional.
- A backpack-style equipment bag typically works best to transport equipment and to keep players organized; equipment, hats, and water bottles should be labeled with their names.
- When purchasing equipment, the most important characteristic to consider from a safety and performance standpoint is proper fit. The staff of Dick’s House of Sport can assist in this regard; there are also sources online that can be utilized to determine what’s right for your player.
For spring and summer baseball programs, your player's age on August 31st of the current year determines their league age. For fall programs, your player's age on August 31st of next year determines their league age.
For spring and summer softball programs, your player's age on December 31st of the prior year determines their league age. For fall programs, your player's age on August 31st of the current year determines their league age.
We handle requests for age eligibility exceptions on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the League so we can discuss your specific situation.
Registration open/close dates:
- Spring: Registration opens in January
- Summer: Registration opens in late May
- Fall: Registration opens in late July
For each season, registration closes when a program is full or when the season starts. Once a program reaches capacity, a waitlist is formed.
Our goal is to see that every child in our community who wants to play baseball or softball has the opportunity to do so. However, in some situations, we face capacity constraints. Once a program is deemed to be at capacity, we will open a waitlist for players should someone drop out or if we are able to create openings. In this case, we offer waitlisted players the opportunity to register in the order in which they joined the waitlist.
We do not offer payment plans by default. That said, our goal is for every child in our community who wants to play baseball or softball to have the opportunity to do so. If you would benefit from a payment plan, please contact the League so we can discuss the situation.
PLL games and practices are held at PLL, Town of Pittsford, and Pittsford Central School District fields, including:
- PLL Ford Field Complex
- PLL Habecker Field Complex
- Farm View Park (FVP)
- Thornell Farm Park (TFP)
Directions and a summary of the amenities available at each facility can be found by visiting Fields on the PLL website.
Note that PLL softball teams play in leagues with other local Little League organizations within the Rochester community (Fairport, Penfield, etc.), so some travel outside Pittsford for games is expected.
Restrooms are available at the following locations:
- PLL Ford Field Complex
- PLL Habecker Field Complex
- Farm View Park (FVP)
- Thornell Farm Park (TFP)
Directions and a summary of the amenities available at each facility can be found by visiting Fields on the PLL website.
The PLL operates a concession stand at the following locations:
- PLL Ford Field Complex
- PLL Habecker Field Complex
Directions and a summary of the amenities available at each facility can be found by visiting Fields on the PLL website.
Dogs on leashes are permitted at the following locations:
- PLL Ford Field Complex
- PLL Habecker Field Complex
- Farm View Park (FVP)
- Thornell Farm Park (TFP)
Directions and a summary of the amenities available at each facility can be found by visiting Fields on the PLL website.
Smoking, vaping, or consuming alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited at all PLL events.
Communications and Mobile App
The League uses a variety of means to communicate with families.
- Preseason: The League communicates via email, news posts on the PLL site and Facebook. To receive email from the League, you must be a registered user and opt-in to receive email from the PLL.
- In-season: In addition to the above, the League communicates updates and time-sensitive information via the PLL LeagueApps Play mobile app (iOS or Android) and through text messaging. To receive text messages from the League, families must opt-in to text messages by logging into their PLL/LeagueApps account.
Former Little League players (ages 13 and up), coaches, parents, and other interested community members who are looking to contribute to the League are eligible to become an umpire.
Beyond officiating games, we ask umpires to uphold their primary role in providing healthy, safe, and fun experiences for the League’s players, coaches, and families.
We provide umpire training before the start of the season.
We pair new umpires with veterans so new umpires can learn and grow at their own pace. We support our umpires' development through mentorship and constructive feedback.
Umpiring is a paid position. Umpired games are scheduled to be played on weeknight evenings beginning at 6:15 p.m., during the day on Saturdays, and some Sundays throughout the Spring and Summer. All games in the Fall are on Saturdays.
Individuals interested in umpiring should register on the PLL site.
As a volunteer-operated, non-profit organization, we rely on sponsorship support to operate the League. To learn about about sponsorship opportunities, visit Become A Sponsor on the PLL website.
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Stay up to date and keep in touch with your PLL team by downloading the LeagueApps Play mobile app. View schedules, chat with your team, and receive important updates in real time.